I Don't Care Anymore - Cathedral Bells

I Don't Care Anymore - Cathedral Bells

Cathedral Bells

I Don't Care Anymore - Cathedral Bells

I Don't Care Anymore - Cathedral Bells Lyrics

Pour your heart out
In this moment
All you have is a chance
To believe once again
Been away for too long
Come around when it's gone
I'm next in line
I lost my place
No way to go
Without a trace
I'm on my own
In disguise

Burn it all to the ground, it doesn't mean anything
My head is numb against the crane
Letting go of everything
Burn it all to the ground, it doesn't mean anything
My head is numb against the crane
Letting go

I don't care anymore
Pour your heart out
In this moment
And there's not, enough time
Once you find, what is left
Shine away, from the world
Where you hid, from yourself

I just can't elate no more
I just can't elate no more
I just can't elate no more

I don't care anymore
I'm next in line
I lost my place
Nowhere to go
Without a trace
I'm on my own
In disguise

Burn it all to the ground, it doesn't mean anything
My head is numb against the crane
Letting go of everything
Burn it all to the ground, it doesn't mean anything
My head is numb against the crane
Letting go

I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore, doesn't mean anything
I don't care anymore, I let go of everything
I don't care anymore, doesn't mean anything
I don't care anymore, I let go of everything

Lyrics are property and copyright of respective artists and are provided for educational purposes only.
I Don't Care Anymore - Cathedral Bells lyrics are from search engines cache and are not stored in any of our servers.

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