DARE - Gorillaz

DARE - Gorillaz


DARE - Gorillaz

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DARE - Gorillaz Lyrics

It's coming up
It's coming up
It's coming up
It's coming up
It's coming up
It's coming up

It's Dare
It's Dare

You've got to press it on you
You just, think it,
That's what you do, baby
Hold it down, Dare

Jump with the moon and move it
Jump back and forth
And feel like you were there yourself
Work it out

Never did no harm
Never did no harm
It's Dare

It's coming up
It's coming up
It's coming up
It's coming up
It's coming up

It's Dare
It's Dare

You've got to press it on you
You just, think it,
That's what you do, baby
Hold it down, Dare

Jump with them all and move it
Jump back and forth
And feel like you were there yourself
Work it out

Never did no harm
Never did no harm
It's Dare

It's coming up
It's coming up
It's coming up
It's coming up
It's coming up
It's Dare

You've got to press it on you
You just, think it,
That's what you do, baby
Hold it down, Dare

Jump with the moon and move it
Jump back and forth
And feel like you were there yourself
Work it out

You've got to press it on you
You just, think it,
That's what you do, baby
Hold it down, Dare

Jump with the moon and move it
Jump back and forth
And feel like you were there yourself
Work it out

Lyrics are property and copyright of respective artists and are provided for educational purposes only.
DARE - Gorillaz lyrics are from search engines cache and are not stored in any of our servers.

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