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Fall In My Arms - John Michael Howell
John Michael Howell
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Fall In My Arms - John Michael Howell
Fall In My Arms
John Michael Howell
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Fall In My Arms - John Michael Howell Lyrics
When the summer don't shine, the winter wind bites
And autumn leaves you alone
When your heart is on ice from being burned twice
Oh, darlin' this thing I know
If it's sunny or rain, you can't escape pain
The seasons keep movin' on
But when the summer don't shine, the winter wind bites
And autumn leaves you alone
You can fall in my arms
You can fall in my
You can fall in my arms
You can fall in my
And I know I wasn't right to take a left turn like I did
But darlin' all of the roads lead me back to you again
I know I ain't been around the fall got me down, got me down
But when the hard times come around, you can come around, come around
When the summer don't shine, the winter wind bites
And autumn leaves you alone
When your heart is on ice from being burned twice
Oh, darlin' this thing I know
If it's sunny or rain, you can't escape pain
The seasons keep movin' on
But when the summer don't shine, the winter wind bites
And autumn leaves you alone
You can fall in my arms
When life blows the spark out of your eyes
You can feel the fire in mine
I know I got lost a couple times
But even that wrong turned out right
So, you can stay right here with me
And sing this melody
I know the wind blows so hard
But you can be my remedy
When the summer don't shine, the winter wind bites
And autumn leaves you alone
When your heart is on ice from being burned twice
Oh, darlin' this thing I know
If it's sunny or rain, you can't escape pain
The seasons keep movin' on
But when the summer don't shine, the winter wind bites
And autumn leaves you alone
You can fall in my arms
Lyrics are property and copyright of respective artists and are provided for educational purposes only.
Fall In My Arms - John Michael Howell lyrics are from search engines cache and are not stored in any of our servers.
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