Jerk - Oliver Tree

Jerk - Oliver Tree

Oliver Tree

Jerk - Oliver Tree

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Jerk - Oliver Tree Lyrics

You say you don't want me
You call me good for nothing
Straight to my face
You say you don't need me
You call me good for nothing
A waste of space

Don't remind me
I'm minding my own damn business
Don't try to find me
I'm better left alone than in this
It doesn't surprise me
Do you really think that I could care?
If you really don't like me
Find somebody else, it could be anyone else out there

Don't fret
I don't ever wanna see you
And I never wanna meet you again
One thing
When you're angry, you're a jerk
And then you treat me like I'm worth nothing
Don't fret
I don't ever wanna see you
And I never wanna meet you again
It'll happen again
I'll watch it happen over and over again

You say you don't want me
You call me good for nothing
Straight to my face
You say you don't need me
You call me good for nothing
A waste of space

I watch the walls caving in on me
I'm sick of feeling so fucking lonely
By now I've given up all on
I guess I'm better off alone

Don't fret
I don't ever wanna see you
And I never wanna meet you again
One thing
When you're angry, you're a jerk
And then you treat me like I'm worth nothing
Don't fret
I don't ever wanna see you
And I never wanna meet you again
It'll happen again
I'll watch it happen over and over again

Lyrics are property and copyright of respective artists and are provided for educational purposes only.
Jerk - Oliver Tree lyrics are from search engines cache and are not stored in any of our servers.

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