No Looking - Bloodbath64

No Looking - Bloodbath64


No Looking - Bloodbath64

No Looking - Bloodbath64 Lyrics

Bud light lime in my hand
Once upon a time, I spied on you
Bud light lime in my hand and I stand over there
And listen to your little lies about your cool life
Bud light lime in my hand
Once upon a time, I spied on you
Bud light lime in my hand and I stand over there
And listen to your little lies about your cool life

Down by the poolside
The photogenic sunset
She squeezed the lime
And wiped her fingers on her swimsuit
And there she laid as yellow faded into orange
She pressed the glass against her lips
And then her forehead
Without looking at me

Bud light lime in my hand
Once upon a time, I spied on you
Bud light lime in my hand and I stand over there
And listen to your little lies about your cool life
Bud light lime in my hand
Once upon a time, I spied on you
Bud light lime in my hand and I stand over there
And listen to your little lies about your cool life

The pristine lobby
Pouring sugar in her coffee
She placed the matches from the bowl into her purse
And on her phone another simulated sunset
I heard her fingernails
They were clicking against the glass

Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me
Without looking at me

Bud light lime in my hand
Once upon a time, I spied on you
Bud light lime in my hand and I stand over there
And listen to your little lies about your cool life
Bud light lime in my hand
Once upon a time, I spied on you
Bud light lime in my hand and I stand over there
And listen to your little lies about your cool life

Lyrics are property and copyright of respective artists and are provided for educational purposes only.
No Looking - Bloodbath64 lyrics are from search engines cache and are not stored in any of our servers.

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