Part Of The Band - The 1975

Part Of The Band - The 1975

The 1975

Part Of The Band - The 1975

Part Of The Band - The 1975 Lyrics

She was part of the Air Force, I was part of the band
I always used to bust into her hand
In my, my, my imagination
I was living my best life, living with my parents
Way before the paying penance
And verbal propellants and my, my, my cancellation
Hm, yeah

And I fell in love with a boy
It was kinda lame
I was Rimbaud and he was Paul Verlaine
In my, my, my imagination
So many cringes and heroin binges
I was coming off the hinges
Living on the fringes of my, my, my imagination
Oh, yeah

Enough about me now
"You gotta talk about the people, baby"
But that's kind of the idea

At home, somewhere I don't like
Eating stuff off of motorbikes
Coming to her lookalikes
I can't get the language right
Just tell me what's unladylike

I know some Vaccinista tote bag chic baristas
Sitting in east on their communista keisters
Writing about their ejaculations
"I like my men like I like my coffee
Full of soy milk and so sweet
It won't offend anybody"
Whilst staining the pages of the nation
Oh, yeah
A Xanax and a Newport
"I take care of my kids", she said

The worst inside of us begets
That feeling on the internet
It's like someone intended it
A diamond in the rough begets the diamond with a scruff
You get

Am I ironically woke? The butt of my joke?
Or am I just some post-coke, average, skinny bloke
Calling his ego imagination?
I've not picked up that in a thousand four hundred days
And nine hours and sixteen minutes, babe
It's kind of my daily iteration

Lyrics are property and copyright of respective artists and are provided for educational purposes only.
Part Of The Band - The 1975 lyrics are from search engines cache and are not stored in any of our servers.

The 1975 Concert Tickets

    Part Of The Band - The 1975 Video
