The Sun - The Naked And Famous

The Sun - The Naked And Famous

The Naked And Famous

The Sun - The Naked And Famous

The Sun - The Naked And Famous Lyrics

Here it comes,
The unavoidable sun weighs my head,
And what the hell I have I done?
and you know,
I dont remember a thing,
I dont remember a thing

So Im done,
Am I placating the notes?
Should I fault
Cut off my tongue
Sou you say
Apparently Im digging it in
I can´t feel a thing

(A thing, a thing, a thing, a thing)

And you´ve won
So I go bury my head
In the ground
Yet I wont lose what I said
In the sound of the words and the note that it brings
No I cant feel a thing

Here it comes
The unavoidable sun
Of whats just happened
And whats been done
And you know
I dont remember a thing
I dont remember a thing

But it keeps on coming and I stop
And it keeps on coming and I just stand still
But it keeps on coming and I stop moving
So I stop running and I just stop
But it keeps on coming, it keeps coming,it keeps on coming

But it keeps on coming and I stop
And it keeps on coming and I just stand still
But it keeps on coming and I just stop
So I stop running and I just stop
But it keeps on coming and I just stop moving
But it keeps on coming and it keeps on coming
So I just stand still
But it keeps on coming and I just stand still

And I run, and I run, and I run, an I run.

Lyrics are property and copyright of respective artists and are provided for educational purposes only.
The Sun - The Naked And Famous lyrics are from search engines cache and are not stored in any of our servers.

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