The Water Beneath You - The Naked And Famous

The Water Beneath You - The Naked And Famous

The Naked And Famous

The Water Beneath You - The Naked And Famous

The Water Beneath You - The Naked And Famous Lyrics

I'll be right here with you
Every step of the way
Don't be afraid, it's not too late
To make this into more than just a
Through every angle of your pain

I can't fill the emptiness
But I will find a way... to be the

I'll protect and remind you
We're made in simple forms
We fail to face
We dissipate
We break the things we swore
Would never change us
Or undermine the promises we made

I can't fill the emptiness
But I will find a way to be

The water beneath you
The waves to catch your fall
Whatever you need it
It was never here at all

Just don't let go
Just don't let go

Just don't let go
Just don't let go

Just don't let go
Just don't let go

Just don't let go
Just don't let go

I hear you, defeated
When calling out my name
The guilt that is forever mine
To know that I'm to blame for every
[?] and every moment of your grief
If you can forgive my life
I'll find a way to be

The water beneath you
The waves to catch your fall
Whatever you needed
It was never here at all

Just don't let go
Just don't let go

Just don't let go
Just don't let go

Just don't let go
Just don't let go

Just don't let go
Just don't let go

Lyrics are property and copyright of respective artists and are provided for educational purposes only.
The Water Beneath You - The Naked And Famous lyrics are from search engines cache and are not stored in any of our servers.

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