
Nate Smith

Nate Smith - Wreckage Music Video

Nate Smith - Wreckage Lyrics

I don't mean to be guarded
I don't mean to be rude
I don't mean to just shut you out
It's just what I've been used to
My heart got calloused
I don't make that excuse
It's hard but you're worth it
I just wanna be good for you

I'm a little damaged but damn you saw the good
When everyone saw baggage, you loved when no one could
Laying in this bed beside you, I don't have to hide away
You see all the wreckage
And it wrecks me that you stay

When I get lost in my own head
You always tell me the truth
And girl, you find me right where I am
You're the one thing I can't lose
Baby, you're my hero
I ain't scared to say that out loud
You're teaching me to trust again
Erasing all my doubts, yeah

I'm a little damaged but damn you saw the good
When everyone saw baggage, you loved when no one could
Laying in this bed beside you, I don't have to hide away
You see all the wreckage
And it wrecks me that you stay

You put all the shattered pieces
back together, made them better
You saw what I could be through all the pain

I'm a little damaged but damn you saw the good
When everyone saw baggage, you loved when no one could
Laying in this bed beside you, I don't have to hide away
You see all the wreckage, yeah
You see all the wreckage
It wrecks me that you stay

And it wrecks me that you stay

Lyrics are property and copyright of respective artists and are provided for educational purposes only.
Nate Smith - Wreckage lyrics are from search engines cache and are not stored in any of our servers.

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